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The Slovak Academy of Sciences Awards for 2021

From left: prof. RNDr. Pavol Šajgalík, DrSc., president of SAS; Jozef Chudík, RTVS; Mgr. Tereza Štolcová, PhD., PhDr. Karol Pieta, DrSc. and doc. PhDr. Matej Ruttkay, CSc., IA SAS; Mgr. Michal Kšiňan, PhD., member of the presidium of SAS (Photo: K. Gáliková, SAV).

On 30th of June 2022, a ceremony was held at the SAS Congress Centre in Smolenice, where the Slovak Academy of Sciences awards for outstanding achievements in scientific research, international scientific and technical cooperation and popularisation of science were presented.

The Slovak Academy of Sciences award for popularization of science and social applications of science was awarded by prof. RNDr. Pavol Šajgalík, DrSc., the President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, to: PhDr. Karol Pieta, DrSc., doc. PhDr. Matej Ruttkay, CSc., Mgr. Tereza Štolcová, PhD., Mgr. Zbigniew Robak, PhD., from the Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and to Róbert Benkovits, Marína Juríčková and Jozef Chudík from RTVS (Radio and Television of Slovakia) for the series of popular scientific documentary films “Slovak Archaeologists,” which in an accessible way brought to the public significant Slovak and foreign archaeological sites mapped by Slovak experts.


All documentaries about Slovak Archaeologists can be viewed in the RTVS archive:


Bojná hillfort


Princely grave from Poprad


Excavation of Slovak team in Guatemala


Archaelogists in Sudan (Duwejm Wad Hadž)

Early Iron Age in Central Europe will take place in Nitra

On July 6–9 2022 the 4th international conference Early Iron Age in Central Europe will take place in Nitra.

4th international conference Early Iron Age in Central Europe

Programme for download here


V dňoch 6.–9. júla 2022 sa v Nitre uskutoční 4. medzinárodná konferencia Early Iron Age in Central Europe (Staršia doba železná v strednej Európe).

4. medzinárodná konferencia Early Iron Age in Central Europe

Program na stiahnutie tu

PhD thesis topics

The Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (founded in 1939) is a modern workplace that currently employs more than 70 professional and scientific staff – archaeologists, but also colleagues from several collaborating natural science disciplines. For more information about the department, see www. groups/Historical sciences/Institute of Archaeology; www.

The Institute is an independent education centre for three (Constantine The Philosopher University in Nitra) and four-year (Comenius university, Bratislava) studies in external and internal mode in the field of archaeology in conjunction with several Slovak universities. Upon successful graduation, the doctoral student receives the title “Philosophiae doctor” (PhD.) Currently, internal doctoral students receive a tax-free scholarship of 807 € per month during the first part of study and 940 € per month after a successful dissertation examination.  Doctoral students supervised by renowned supervisors have good working conditions at the institute and are usually immediately involved in research projects, which improves their communication in the research area, work mobility and material and technical equipment.

The thesis topics offered are based on the needs of contemporary archaeological research in the Central European area and can be a good start to systematic scientific work for their future researchers.


More information about study:

Constantine The Philosopher University in Nitra

Comenius university, Bratislava


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20th international conference KELTI / THE CELTS / DIE KELTEN 2019

On May 14th–17th 2019 the jubilee 20th annual conference about the Late Iron Age in Central Europe Kelti / The Celts / Die Kelten 2019 took place.

The event, organized with the support by SAS Institute of Archaeology, Slovak Research and Development Agency within the contract No. 14-0842, project VEGA No. 2/0001/18, Slovak Archaeological Society by SAS, and Anton Točík Foundation, have been hosted in Stará Lesná in SAS Congress centre Academia.

58 researchers on the La Tène Period from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Germany, Rumania, France, and Australia participated. The scientific program of the conference was enriched by the excursion focused on the monuments of the Spiš region.

By the occasion of the 20th jubilee the Book of abstracts was published, that is available here.

Investigating the history of the opium poppy in Central Europe and beyond

Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences invites for the lecture by Zuzana Chovanec, Ph.D., U.S. Fulbright Scholar – From poppies in the field to slumberous dreams: Investigating the history of the opium poppy in Central Europe and beyond

The opium poppy, Papaver somniferum L., represents one of the most widely used psychoactive and medicinal substances in human history. The fact that it is a significant agricultural resource, has a complex botanical history, and its small physical remains complicates the archeological investigation of its use. Building on previous research in the eastern Mediterranean, the complex relationship between the opium poppy and humans is reexamined in light of new evidence from Slovakia and Central Europe.

The lecture will take place on February 20 2019 at 14:00 in the Institute of Archaeology SAS, Akademická 2, Nitra, in the lecture room at the ground floor.

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The 16th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (EG GCH), Vienna, Austria, November 12-15, 2018

Alena BISTÁKOVÁ | Elena BLAŽOVÁ | Peter BEDNÁR | Matej RUTTKAY, Slovakia


Keywords: evidence of archaeological activities, digitizing, database, ISAU, Slovakia

Abstract: In 1939, the Institute of Archaeology at the Slovak Academy of Sciences began developing a central register of archaeological activities in Slovakia. The primary database of the register comprises research reports of archaeological activities and other written records related to archaeological finds. This database is directly linked to photographic archives that document field activities and archaeological artefacts. The research depositories of the Institute record hundreds of thousands of finds divided into databases of vessels, small finds, pottery, anthropological material, archaeobotanical samples, animal bones, etc.

Because these databases contained so much information, it was necessary to prepare a central, mutually interrelated geoinformational structure. Thus, we developed an application that allows simple and fast access to the information. The application can be modified to add new data fields or data sets, and the system integrates various types of databases and digital supplementary materials. In addition, the system includes a database of archaeological artefacts from specific times and places. The application can track an artefact on the basis of its storage codes, current place of loan, or restoration documentation. It permits online editing of individual entries within a predefined personal manager interface, provides opportunities for scientific research, and allows analyses using multiple search criteria.

The aim of this project was to develop an information and communication centre that includes a database of archaeological and relevant spatial data from Slovakia. The system is designed for the scientific and general community, as well as for local municipalities, to ensure that archaeological finds are more thoroughly protected and used in education, tourism, and other activities.

The first – trial – version of the geoinformational system is currently available on the website.

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VirtualArch. Visualize to Valorize – For a better utilization of hidden archaeological heritage in Central Europe



Pribinovo námestie 992/5, 949 01 Nitra

23rd – 24th of October 2018

VirtualArch is a international project aiming to settle the current trends in presentation of unseen archaeological heritage by a modern and innovative tools, like 3D modelling, augmented or virtual reality. One of the conferences, now held in Nitra, will focus on volunteers and public and their role in the monument preservation and presentation.


Preliminary Programme


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Diversity of Identities in Prehistory, Early History and Presence

Diversity of Identities in Prehistory, Early History and Presence


Institute of Archaeolog SAS, Nitra

Akademická 2, 94921 Nitra, Slovakia

29.-30. 10. 2018

The archaeology of personal identities has firmly established age, gender and status as relevant categories of investigation.

In 2016 we organized a workshop in Klement-Oberleis in Lower Austria under the topic of “Multiple femininities – multiple masculinities: the diversity of gendered identities in the Bronze and Iron Ages”. This year, as the final act of the SASPRO Project “Male Identities in La Tène Cemeteries in the Middle Danube Area”, it is time to expand the field from prehistory also to early history and our present days. Next to different “archaeological identities”, we want to ask about “Identity of archaeology”, hence the identity of archaeologists.


Preliminary Programme



The Cuman-Qïpchaq Tribal Community in the Age of the Mongol Onslaught

konstantin_lectureFor almost two centuries the Cuman-Qïpchaq Tribal community enjoyed an unchallenged domination over the steppes of Western Eurasia, which became to be known as the Cuman Field (Dasht-i Qipchāq, Pole Polovetskoe, Cumania). However, this favorable situation dramatically changed in the first decades of the 13th c., when the advancing Mongol armies started a series of campaigns aimed at the subjugation of the numerous nomadic inhabitants of the Cuman Field. Motivated by their project for pan-nomadic empire and worried by the possible repercussions of the stubborn Cuman-Qïpchaq resistance among other steppe dwellers, the Chinggisids put every effort to impose their authority over these tribes.

The present lecture of Dr. Konstantin Golev, researcher from the Institute of History of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and adjoin researcher from the St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia, will examine the contrast models of behavior, adopted by the various Cuman-Qïpchaq groupings in the face of the inevitable Mongol menace.

The lecture will take place on February 14 2018 at 14.00 in the SAS Institute of Archaeology, Akademická 2 in Nitra.