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29th International Conference on the Early and Middle Bronze Age in Central Europe

We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming 29th edition of the international conference focused on the current research of the Early and Middle Bronze Age in Central Europe. The call for in-person attendance and active participation is open to all those interested in sharing their findings from rescue and systematic excavations, studies on material culture, more complex thematic syntheses, as well as student works.

The conference, organized by the Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in collaboration with the Slovak Archaeological Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, will take place on October 13–16, 2025, at the SAV Academia Congress Center in Stará Lesná (map). The program will include three presentation days, a social evening, and a full-day excursion.

We invite contributions in the form of oral presentations with a max. duration of 15 minutes, accompanied by a presentation *.ppt format. Participants may also submit a poster in a printed color version in DIN A0 format (841 × 1189 mm). Speeches may be given in Slovak or Czech, but the text of presentations and posters are required in English or German.

Registration is available via the online form until June 30, 2025. To complete the registration, each participant has to submit a presentation/poster abstract (300–500 words) in English. After the processing, the texts will be published in the printed abstract book.

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100th anniversary of Bohuslav Klíma’s birth

We invite you to the scientific conference in honour of Bohuslav Klíma, his work, and his legacy will be organized. The conference will be held in the Institute of Archaeology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno (Čechyňská 363/19) during March 26–28th.





If you want to contribute to this meeting, please send us a title and an abstract (1,000–2,000 characters, including spaces) of your presentation by Jannuary 31st, 2025 to We prefer contributions related to the scientific activities of Bohuslav Klíma, including Pavlovian (Gravettian) and cave excavations.


Preliminary program:

March 26th: Registration, presentations (ARÚB, Čechyňská street)

Evening: Social event held in the same bulding

March 27th: Presentations

March 28th: Excursion (Slovak Museum in Staré Město near Uherské Hradiště)


Dominika Oravkinová received the ‘Danubius Young Scientist Awards’

Dominika Oravkinová is receiving the award.

‘At the ‘Danubius Awards 2023,’ several researchers from regions traversed by the Danube River were honoured for their academic achievements. On October 19, researchers who significantly contributed to the development of the Danube region were recognized. Our colleague, Mgr. Dominika Oravkinová, PhD., received the ‘Danubius Young Scientist Award.’

The ‘Danubius Award’ assessment was established in 2011 to commend individuals who have excelled in their dedication to the Danube region through their academic work or cultural creations.

This award is open to all disciplines and, among other things, helps promote the involvement of young scientists in research and cultural creation related to the Danube River basin. The awards are granted by an independent expert jury. These awards also contribute to the implementation of the European Union strategy for the Danube Region, adopted by the European Parliament in 2011.

We warmly congratulate Dominika!


Young scientists are awarded.

41st international conference Questions of the Neolithic and Eneolithic of our countries

A copy of the statue of Venus of Hrádok in Nitrianský Hrádok (Foto: P. Pogány/ Wikimedia Commons).

On September 27–29 2022 the 41st international conference Questions of the Neolithic and Eneolithic of our countries will take place in Palárikovo.


Programme for download here


V dňoch 27.–29. septembra 2022 sa v Poľovníckom kaštieli Palárikovo uskutoční 41. medzinárodná konferencia Otázky neolitu a eneolitu našich krajín.

Program na stiahnutie tu

The Slovak Academy of Sciences Awards for 2021

From left: prof. RNDr. Pavol Šajgalík, DrSc., president of SAS; Jozef Chudík, RTVS; Mgr. Tereza Štolcová, PhD., PhDr. Karol Pieta, DrSc. and doc. PhDr. Matej Ruttkay, CSc., IA SAS; Mgr. Michal Kšiňan, PhD., member of the presidium of SAS (Photo: K. Gáliková, SAV).

On 30th of June 2022, a ceremony was held at the SAS Congress Centre in Smolenice, where the Slovak Academy of Sciences awards for outstanding achievements in scientific research, international scientific and technical cooperation and popularisation of science were presented.

The Slovak Academy of Sciences award for popularization of science and social applications of science was awarded by prof. RNDr. Pavol Šajgalík, DrSc., the President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, to: PhDr. Karol Pieta, DrSc., doc. PhDr. Matej Ruttkay, CSc., Mgr. Tereza Štolcová, PhD., Mgr. Zbigniew Robak, PhD., from the Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and to Róbert Benkovits, Marína Juríčková and Jozef Chudík from RTVS (Radio and Television of Slovakia) for the series of popular scientific documentary films “Slovak Archaeologists,” which in an accessible way brought to the public significant Slovak and foreign archaeological sites mapped by Slovak experts.


All documentaries about Slovak Archaeologists can be viewed in the RTVS archive:


Bojná hillfort


Princely grave from Poprad


Excavation of Slovak team in Guatemala


Archaelogists in Sudan (Duwejm Wad Hadž)

PhD thesis topics

The Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (founded in 1939) is a modern workplace that currently employs more than 70 professional and scientific staff – archaeologists, but also colleagues from several collaborating natural science disciplines. For more information about the department, see www. groups/Historical sciences/Institute of Archaeology; www.

The Institute is an independent education centre for three (Constantine The Philosopher University in Nitra) and four-year (Comenius university, Bratislava) studies in external and internal mode in the field of archaeology in conjunction with several Slovak universities. Upon successful graduation, the doctoral student receives the title “Philosophiae doctor” (PhD.) Currently, internal doctoral students receive a tax-free scholarship of 807 € per month during the first part of study and 940 € per month after a successful dissertation examination.  Doctoral students supervised by renowned supervisors have good working conditions at the institute and are usually immediately involved in research projects, which improves their communication in the research area, work mobility and material and technical equipment.

The thesis topics offered are based on the needs of contemporary archaeological research in the Central European area and can be a good start to systematic scientific work for their future researchers.


More information about study:

Constantine The Philosopher University in Nitra

Comenius university, Bratislava


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20th international conference KELTI / THE CELTS / DIE KELTEN 2019

On May 14th–17th 2019 the jubilee 20th annual conference about the Late Iron Age in Central Europe Kelti / The Celts / Die Kelten 2019 took place.

The event, organized with the support by SAS Institute of Archaeology, Slovak Research and Development Agency within the contract No. 14-0842, project VEGA No. 2/0001/18, Slovak Archaeological Society by SAS, and Anton Točík Foundation, have been hosted in Stará Lesná in SAS Congress centre Academia.

58 researchers on the La Tène Period from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Germany, Rumania, France, and Australia participated. The scientific program of the conference was enriched by the excursion focused on the monuments of the Spiš region.

By the occasion of the 20th jubilee the Book of abstracts was published, that is available here.