Following activities were accomplished during first half-year, falling in four distinctive topics.
1. Hillfort Veľký vrch in Divinka. Two months long archaeological excavations. This was followed by selection of pottery and iron artefacts, which can be dated in the early medieval period. X-ray analysis of the chosen Great Moravian iron artefacts was conducted in cooperation with Welding Research Institute. Samples of coals for radiocarbon analyses were sent to Radiocarbon Laboratory Poznań. Plans from 1972-1973 excavations were scanned and vectorized.
2. Lidar scanning. Suitable area of circa 200 km2 was chosen for scanning in the preparation phase. Areas with probable relicts of transportation, settlement and economical activities were picked. Area of 65 km2 were completed until the end of year 2016.

3. Cartographical sources. Historical maps connected with the researched area from 16th – 19th century, which are available on map portals and available digital copies of historical cadastral maps of villages in Kysuce region, deposited in Central Archive were collected. Military mapping of researched area from 18th century, concerning the settlements of researched area were summarized.
4. Budatín castle. Documentation from excavations in years 2006, 2007, 2010 and 2013 started to be completed and revision of the movable inventory from this excavations was finished.