On May 14th–17th 2019 the jubilee 20th annual conference about the Late Iron Age in Central Europe Kelti / The Celts / Die Kelten 2019 took place.
The event, organized with the support by SAS Institute of Archaeology, Slovak Research and Development Agency within the contract No. 14-0842, project VEGA No. 2/0001/18, Slovak Archaeological Society by SAS, and Anton Točík Foundation, have been hosted in Stará Lesná in SAS Congress centre Academia.

58 researchers on the La Tène Period from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Germany, Rumania, France, and Australia participated. The scientific program of the conference was enriched by the excursion focused on the monuments of the Spiš region.
By the occasion of the 20th jubilee the Book of abstracts was published, that is available here.