The whole area of the
fort with its extent of more than 3 ha has been protected national
monument since 1957. In 1990 it was promulgated a national
cultural monument. Today thanks to the effort of municipal
authorities in Iža and support of the state as well as donators
the area is open to the public all year round in the form of an
open-air museum.

the Roman fort in direction from Komárno as well as from Nové
Zámky we get by the main road No. 64 and side-road No. 63 to the
village Iža. From its centre we follow a panel road leading to
the Danube, and then approximately 1.5 km along the river bank
against its current westwards. The other route in direction from
Komárno leads by local road from the Vážsky bridge by the turn
right through the town district Komárno-Veľký Harčáš
(approx. 3 km) and then by a short path (800 m) in field. On foot
or by bicycle from Iža or Komárno we can get there also along
the Váh and Danube protection antiflooding dike (approx. 4 km).

the monument area remains of original objects and reconstructed
parts are presented: an outlined reconstruction of the whole
southern part of fortification – line of the fortification wall
with silhuette reconstruction of the southern gate (porta
decumana), with intermediate and corner bastions, also a
ground plan of the northern gate (porta praetoria),
north-eastern and north-western corner bastion with addition from
the 4th century, a barrack from the 3rd
century, a well and a water tank.

In the middle of the area
and in vicinity of presented architectures informative boards with
drawn reconstructions and with informative texts in four languages
(Slovak, Hungarian, German and English) are situated.

Finds excavated in the
Roman fort in Iža are presented on the permanent exhibition of
the Podunajské Museum in Komárno and in Lapidarium of Roman
Monuments in Bastion VI as well as in the Treasure-room of the
Slovak National Museum in Bratislava Castle and in the permanent
exhibition of the Slovak Agricultural Museum in Nitra (the area of
